Diving into Drainlaying: Careers at COMAG 

Ever wondered what it takes to be a drainlayer? It’s a job for someone who’s not afraid to get their hands dirty, loves working outdoors, and has a knack for picking things up quickly.

Former Matamata College student and COMAG drainlaying apprentice Hunter shares what the job is really like, the school subjects that helped, and some pro tips for kicking off your career—starting with packing a solid lunch and owning a pair of sturdy steel cap boots!


Hunter Cresswell

Drain laying Apprentice Level 4

Hunter’s advice:

“Just try to soak up everything you are told, and learn from your mistakes as fast as you can.”   

A chat with Hunter about his role

Hunter Cresswell
Drain laying Apprentice Level 4 Former Matamata College Student

What is a drain laying apprentice?

Being a drain laying apprentice involves installing and fixing pipes that carry rainwater and waste water. Some tasks may be digging trenches, laying pipes and learning how to set this all up to run smoothly without blocks or faults. My day at COMAG can range from 6 to 12 hours, and often have work outside of the Waikato so will stay away.

What got you interested in this kind of work?

I had a part time job during the holidays laying concrete pipe. Coming here it was completely different because we are working with plastic pipe and smaller pipe which I enjoy better.

What do you love about your job?

I was able to start at COMAG straight into full time work and then got an opportunity to become an apprentice, and have been doing this for 8 months now. I enjoy when I am able to learn new things, take part in the variety of work we do, and play around with diggers.

What kind of person suits this job?

To work as a drainlayer you need to be active and not afraid to get stuck in. Our work involves a lot of lifting, working outside and physical activity. Alongside this you need to be able to listen, and learn quickly, while following instructions from your foreman.

What do you like about working at COMAG?

We get a good range of work here and lots of opportunity to learn. You also get to work with a cool group of guys and everyone has a really good dynamic on site. I am happy that COMAG offered me the opportunity to do my apprenticeship here.

What are your future plans?

In the future I might look into getting more civil construction tickets, plumbing and gas for example, as they all interlink and are good skills to have.

Hunter’s top tips

What do you wish someone told you while you were in school?

I have always known I wanted to move into a trade when I finished school, so I took maths and design in school. Which were great foundations for me, but I also wish I took graphic design. There is a lot of reading, and drawing plans that goes into this job, so having this experience would have made this easier to learn

What would you tell the new apprentice?

My biggest tips for starting out would be bring a packed lunch, have plenty of hi vis in your wardrobe, and invest in some good quality steel cap boots. Showing up to your first day with a good attitude and being prepared to banter with your coworkers is going to make life easier.  

What have you found challenging?

In the beginning adjusting to the long hours was hard, but you just have to push through and eventually your body adjust to this and it becomes easier.  

What is your advice for keeping balanced?

Spending your time outside of work wisely, make the most of it and don’t just rot at home. Having a good group of mates who you can hang with helps to give something to do. Also having hobbies you are interested in to do on the weekends like fishing or free diving.

Find out more about COMAG: comagltd.co.nz

About COMAG Ltd

Comag has been operating in the Matamata community, and wider, since 1967, and has recently opened a new branch in Hamilton.

With a team of dedicated Plumbers, Roofers, Gasfitters, and Drainlayers their specialist knowledge and expertise is unmatched.

Comag prides themselves on being a great company to work for, ensuring their team is well looked after. They are committed to their team and creating a great working environment, where a work life balance is encouraged.

Check out Leon’s profile at Comag