
Construction is building anything from the ground up, including architectural services, building, plumbing, gas-fitting, electrical services, roofing, scaffolding and more. Infrastructure is planning, designing, building and laying utilities for the community.

Construction and infrastructure

Construction is building anything from the ground up, including architectural services, building, plumbing, gas-fitting, electrical services, roofing, scaffolding and more. Infrastructure is planning, designing, building and laying utilities for the community.

Service Industries

The service industry covers a wide range of customer-focused roles, including business, retail, tourism, and hospitality. Experience in this sector gives you transferable skills to help you progress into a broad range of careers.

Primary Industries

Primary industries provide or use plant or animal products to convert into commodities or products. This sector includes agriculture, horticulture, forestry, fisheries, aquaculture, equine and viticulture.

Health, Community and Social Services

Careers in this pathway are all about supporting the community and caring for people, with jobs that are essential for community well-being and safety. It’s a high employment and high growth sector, and demand for frontline jobs in these industries is expected to continue for future years.

Creative, Cultural, Recreation and Technology

New Zealand’s creative industries generate billions of dollars and over 100,000 jobs, impacting both the creative sector and other fields. Careers span visual and performing arts, design, digital technologies, film, and events, offering opportunities from local community projects to global business innovation.

Manufacturing, Engineering and Logistics

There is a mixture of skilled jobs across this sector… something to suit just about everyone. Careers in manufacturing, engineering and logistics offer opportunities to make new discoveries, solve problems and make a practical difference to the world around you.