A career in health, community and social services may be for you if you…
- can empathise with people
- are a great communicator
- love working as part of a team
- keep cool under pressure
- have loads of compassion
- have a strong work ethic
- manage time efficiently
- enjoy helping others
- Doctor
- GP
- Nurse
- Midwife
- Health Care assistant
- Pharmacist
- Physical therapist
- Paramedic
- Optometrist
- Dietitian/Nutritionist
- Radiologist
- Healthcare Administrator
- Paitent Advocate
- Chiropractor
- Respiratory therapist
- Rehab Counsellor
- Clinical Laboratory Technician
- Dentist
A wide range of rewarding careers can be found in health, particularly clinical jobs like nurses, doctors, midwives and health assistants – all of which usually require formal study and teritary training after leaving school.
One in six New Zealanders is now over the age of 65. Demand for healthcare workers s growing lin line with the ageing population.
Job and pay examples
Anaesthetic Technician | $52K to $119K | Good |
Anaesthetist | $64K to $251K | Good |
Audiologist | $50K to $75K | Good |
Case Manager | $60K to $80K | Good |
Clinical Coder | $76K to $93K | Good |
Clinical Physiologist | $59K to $119K | Good |
Community Development Worker | $60K to $80K | Good |
Counsellor | $57K to $119K | Good |
Dental Assistant | $48K to $62K | Good |
Dental Technician | $48K to $75K | Good |
Dentist | $129 to $254K | Average |
Diagnostic Radiologist | $64K to $251K | Good |
Dietitian | $59K to $119K | Average |
Epidemiologist | $50K to $175K | Good |
General Practitioner | $187K | Good |
Health Promoter | $58K to $119K | Average |
Health Services Manager | $65K to $245K | Good |
Medical Physicist | $65K to $161K | Good |
Midwife | $77K to $153K | Good |
Occupational Therapist | $58K to $119K | Average |
Optometrist | $65K to $225K | Good |
Paramedic | $84K to $123K | Good |
Pathologist | $64K to $251K | Good |
Pharmacy Technician | $52K to $80K | Good |
Pharmacist | $58K to $119K | Good |
Phlebotomist | $52K to $82K | Average |
Physician | $64K to $251K | Good |
Physiotherapist | $58K to $119K | Good |
Podiatrist | $50K to $98K | Good |
Psychologist | $55K to $150K | Good |
Psychiatrist | $64K to $251K | Good |
Psychotherapist | $68K to $118K | Average |
Radiation Therapist | $66K to $124K | Average |
Registered Nurse | $68K to $153K | Good |
Social Worker | $59K to $118K | Average |
Speech Language Therapist | $55K to $119K | Good |
Sterilising Technician | $52K to $75K | Good |
Surgeon | $64K to $251K | Good |
*Rates are based on full time work and are an indication only.
Source: careers.govt.nz
Health Qualifications
Whether you are looking to study at the University of Waikato or Wintec, qualification options include…
- Bachelor of Health (BHealth)
- Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance (BHSHP) majoring in Community Health
- Bachelor of Nursing (BNurs)
- Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Cert. Health and Wellbeing)
- Psychology major in either a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Bachelor of Science (BSc) or Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSocSci)
- Bachelor of Midwifery
- Enrolled Nursing (Level 5)
- Bachelor of Nursing
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise
- Science
- Bachelor of Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Paetahi Tumu Kōrero Bachelor of Counselling
- NZ Certificate in Health and Wellbeing (Level 4)
- Primary Care Practice Assistance (Level 4)
- NZ Certificate in Christian Ministry (Level 4)
- NZ Diploma in Christian Studies (Level 5)
Social services refer to a range of purblic services provided by government or private organisations to support people of families in need.
These services aim to improve the wellbeing, safety and quality of people, particularly children, the elderly, individuals with disabilities and those who need extra support.
- Social Workers
- Counsellors
- Youth Workers
- Community Support
- Disability Support Workers
While teaching is a demanding career, it is rewarding and offers the opportunity to make a real difference in people’s lives.
New Zealand needs well-qualified, dynamic, and enthusiastic teachers who enjoy working with young people (teachnz.org.nz).
Talking with experienced teachers, recent student teachers, careers advisors and principals can be a great help in deciding whether teaching is for you. You can also contact your nearest tertiary provider and discuss what it’s like to be in the classroom or ECE centre. They may be able to arrange for you to spend some time observing a class or centre in action (teachnz.org.nz).
Job and pay examples
*Rates are based on full time work and are an indication only.
Source: careers.govt.nz
Education Qualifications
Whether you are looking to study at the University of Waikato or Wintec, qualification options include…
- NZ Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 3 and 4)
- NZ Diploma in Early Childhood Education and Care (Level 5)
- Bachelor of Teaching (BTchg) for Early Childhood, Primary and Secondary
- Graduate Diploma in Teaching (GradDipTchg)
- Te Paetahi Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education)
Meet the young Waikato people working in Health, Community & Social Services Sector
Sources: careers.govt.nz, beehive.govt.nz, Hays Salary Guide 2021, New Zealand Herald, nzrecreation.org.nz, seek.co.nz, sportnz.org.nz, Toi Māori Aotearoa, waikato.ac.nz, wecreate.org.nz, wintec.ac.nz, youthguarantee.education.govt.nz
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